update: April 2024 BC Property Transfer Tax (PTT) rebate threshold increased from $500,000 to $835,000 for First Time home buyers. For newly built homes, the PTT rebate threshold increases from $750,000 to $1,100,000.
This property transfer tax calculator has been provided for entertainment purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional advice from a lawyer or accountant.

Author: Meryl Hamdillah, REALTOR with Sutton WestCoast Group.
If you are looking for a realtor to help you buy or sell a property in Coquitlam or Vancouver, feel free to Chat with me now! 604-307-9506
What is the tax rate for property transfer tax?
For most residential properties (less than 0.5 hectares), the property transfer tax rate is:
1% on the first $200,000,
2% on the portion of the fair market value greater than $200,000 up to and including $2,000,000. The portion between $2-$3mil attracts 3% tax. There is a additional 2% tax for portion above $3 mil.
What property value is used to calculate PTT tax?
Generally most residential homes registered with land title office will use the transaction value or Fair Market Value as the basis to calculate the PTT. BC Assessment value is not used for property transfer tax…but BC Assessment is used for municipal property tax (often confused with property transfer tax. Additionally if your home includes commercial improvements, then only the residential portion of the value is used as the FMV.
Why is the BC Assessment Value not used for Property Transfer Tax?
For most homes registered with land title office and advertised for sale, the Fair Market Value is used. However, in some situations the Property Assessment Value may be used –for example: a Corporation does not advertise and transfers property in a non-open market.
Does the seller pay any property transfer tax in BC?
In BC, the property transfer tax is paid by the person/company that the property is transferred to; In other words, the Buyer pays the PTT. A common question people ask is why the seller doesn’t contribute to the transfer tax. The answer is that they do….the seller paid the transfer tax when they originally bought the property. The confusion comes from internet articles based in the United States. In the US, depending on the state, sometimes the seller pays and sometimes the buyer pays; Fortunately it is much simpler in BC – the new owner pays the PTT.
Is Property Transfer Tax paid yearly?
No. Many people confuse Property Tax which is paid yearly and is a municipal city tax. Property Transfer tax is not the same and is only paid when you purchase or gain an interest in property. You typically hire a lawyer or notary who helps you pay property transfer tax and filing a property transfer tax return. In most cases, property transfers are completed by a legal professional.
This BC GST Rebate Calculator is provided for entertainment purposes only. Although we try to keep this updated, there may be new tax regulations and you should always seek the advice of a professional lawyer, accountant, or conveyancer for your specific tax calculations.
BC GST Calculator Version 1.0.2 updated Apr 2024
Top Government Rebates, Grants, Exemptions for Home Buyers and Sellers References and LINKS