Pre-sale Completion – Deficiency walk-through checklist

If your pre-sale condo or home is completed and you have received your NOTICE of COMPLETION, you will get a scheduled walk-through with the developers customer service representative. Is there anything you should know and look for? We recommend that you read this guide first. and then bring this checklist along during the walk-through (using your phone or tablet).

How important is the walk-through? Doesn’t my new home warranty cover problems anyway? Think of it this way, the developers are on the hook if you discover problems during this walkthrough….developers want to get problems resolved ASAP or within reasonable time frame.

Deficiency Walkthrough Reminder | Checklist

13% overall complaints. Look for crooked framing, drywall cracks, dents, imperfections
REMINDER describe which room, which wall
8% kitchens/bath complaints. Look for Appliances, missing, not spec’d correctly. Countertops, cupboards, backsplash, garbeurator, sink, microwave.
REMINDER take pictures. Compare with samples or documents of finish.
8% kitchens/bath complaints. Look for leaks, toilet operation, sealing around toilet base, humidity fans, controls, GFCI safety outlets. Check tub and any special operation like jet tubs. Make sure cold hot water works. Ask if grout is sealed or if that is owner responsibility?
REMINDER describe which floor and bathroom.
8% door complaints. Look for framing square (no gaps or squeaks). Check for dents. Draft through door?
REMINDER describe which door
6% window complaints. Listen for noise or crack. Check sealing around window. Drafts.
REMINDER take pictures and describe.
5% flooring complaints. Squeaky floors, carpet bubbles, underlay bumpy, stains. Wood floor gaps or buckling (not smooth)
REMINDER take pictures and describe.
3% paint complaints. Ensure paint with lighting is even, and no cracks or bubbles.
REMINDER take pictures and describe.
3% Check for settling cracks or any cracks that may need further investigation.
REMINDER take pictures and describe.
3% Check for any dark wet spots on walls, foggy windows especially inside a double glazed window. Condensation under sinks.
REMINDER take pictures and describe.
3% Ask for controls to be tested…report?
REMINDER take pictures and describe.
3% Check for location, wall cracks, size to fit car, ask questions if uncertain.
REMINDER take pictures and describe.
REMINDER: Set dates for addressing issues. Set date to followup if appraiser or inspector is needed for further analysis like cracks on ceilings walls, floor.